I am Assyrian and my name is Sargon. Sargon was the first ruler of Akkad or the first king of Akkad. Akkad is in the middle east in Iraq. I dont really care what my name would be besides Sargon because your name doesn't define who you really are.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Te first time I tried my aunt's food was green bean casserole and her spinach pie. I loved the spinach pie but I hated the casserole. I tried it again 1 year later at Christmas and I loved it for some reason. From then on those were my favorite foods from her.

Thursday, October 27, 2016
In ten years
In ten years I find myself joining the navy. I want to be a navy seal. I want to be in the Navy for about 5 years. After the navy I was to be a law enforcement officer and move up into S.W.A.T. If that doesn't happen then i would just like to be an officer after i come back from Navy S.E.A.L.
Monday, October 24, 2016
My favorite TV show as a child was sponge bob square pants. I used to watch it everyday I could have. I watched most of the episodes and i still remember all of them today. I still like sponge bob but I don't watch it as much as I used to.
Monday, September 19, 2016
I like this quote because it just says that success isn't given you have to earn it with putting effort in your work and work hard.
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